Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Explanation Writing: The Water Cycle

Tuesday 13th September 2016

Explanation Writing: The water cycle

Did you know, that the same water on this earth right now is the same as when the earth was created?. Water is very important to survival for human beings, plants and animals. I will provide you with an explanation of how water is recycled.

The water cycle is called the hydrological cycle. This  cycle includes precipitation, evaporation, condensation and transpiration. The water changes from liquid to vapour then liquid again.

Firstly, water from the lakes, rivers, streams, sea are heated by the sun and then evaporates. When the water evaporates, it forms clouds by condensation. When the clouds become heavy, it falls down as rain. If it falls down in solid form, it is snow or sleet.

The water reaches the ground and flows across land until it reaches rivers, lakes, streams and the sea. Some water also sink into the ground.

In conclusion, the water cycle begins this process over again because of evaporation.


Precipitation: rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to or condenses on the ground.

Evaporation:  Evaporation is a fundamental part of the water cycle and is constantly occurring throughout nature.

Condensation: water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it.

Transpiration: Transpiration is essentially evaporation of water from plant leaves.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Ratio Problems

Tuesday 13th September 2016

Maths problems


A jar of pinto beans and black beans in a ratio of 1:1 and 650 of beans are pinto beans. How many beans are there in the jar?

My strategy:

First, add both of the ratios together. Which is two. Then times two by 650. Which will give you 1,300.

Answer: 1,300

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Maths Problems

Explanation writing: How food is digested.

Thursday 8th September 2016

How food digests?

Have you ever wondered how food is digested in your stomach? I will provide you an explanation as to how food is digested in your stomach.

The food that you eat is masticated with your teeth and saliva. The food is moved to the back of your mouth by your tongue to the trapdoor or oesophagus.

The food goes down your stomach and is  broken down by the digestive juices. The broken down food moves to your small intestine, here the goodness is soaked in.

The remainder of the food moves to your large intestine and the water is taken out. The food needed by your body is transported by the blood and is used for growth, repair and energy.

Waste food is excreted and it goes out of your anus. I trust that you now know what happens to your food when you eat.  

Friday, September 2, 2016

All about me

I have been learning to make slides and publish it to my blog.